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Scottish Government Debate: Scotland’s Place in the World

Tuesday 05 March 2024 3:00 PM


Angus Robertson S6M-12372 That the Parliament believes that Scotland should be able to take its place in the world as a sovereign nation that acts based on its values and principles, working towards peace, sustainability and security as a good global citizen, and in the interests of its people. Alexander Stewart S6M-12372.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-12372 in the name of Angus Robertson (Scotland’s Place in the World), leave out from "Scotland" to end and insert "the Scottish Government should accept the will of the people of Scotland as expressed in the clear and decisive result of the 2014 independence referendum, and calls on the Scottish Government to focus on Scotland’s real priorities, such as growing the economy, reducing NHS waiting times and violent crime, and improving education standards and public services." Neil Bibby S6M-12372.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-12372 in the name of Angus Robertson (Scotland’s Place in the World), leave out from "should" to end and insert "benefits from the defence, diplomatic and economic connections that it shares with the rest of the UK; highlights the massive amount of capacity building that would be required of an independent Scotland in areas such as defence and procurement, intelligence and cyber security, and diplomatic presence and expertise just to replicate the benefits that Scotland currently enjoys as part of the UK; encourages the Scottish and UK governments to work more closely together to ensure that Brand Scotland’s unique contributions and innovations are better sold across the world, and understands that, in an increasingly turbulent geopolitical situation, the interests and security of Scotland are significantly better served under the umbrella of its existing membership of NATO, as part of the UK, than by severing those connections and seeking to build them from scratch."

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