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Scottish Government Debate: Celebrating and Supporting Breastfeeding in Scotland

Tuesday 23 January 2024 2:30 PM


Jenni Minto S6M-11935 That the Parliament welcomes that, across Scotland, breastfeeding rates have risen and that inequalities in breastfeeding rates have reduced in the past few years, in line with additional funding provided by the Scottish Government of over £9 million; notes that there continues to be a need for a cross-sectoral approach to support, promote and protect breastfeeding; agrees that mothers’ experiences should be continuously improved and supported through evidence-based practice; recognises that parents should be free to feed their babies where and when they need to, including in public spaces, and be supported to do this through businesses embracing the national Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland scheme; agrees that Scotland should continue to embed the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative across its maternal, neonatal and community settings, throughout the NHS and core nursing and maternity education curriculum; further agrees that infant feeding services should be recognised as a vital service and integral to optimising infant feeding support across the NHS and its partners; recognises that third sector and voluntary peer support remain pivotal to babies being breastfed in the first few weeks of life and beyond, and agrees that breastfeeding has a role in supporting the economy, and gives all children the best possible start in life. Tess White S6M-11935.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-11935 in the name of Jenni Minto (Celebrating and Supporting Breastfeeding in Scotland), insert at the end "; recognises the benefits of breastfeeding to both the child and the mother, as well as the challenges that mothers can face as they try to establish breastfeeding, and acknowledges the importance of ensuring that midwifery is sufficiently staffed to support postnatal care and infant feeding as well as acute care." Carol Mochan S6M-11935.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-11935 in the name of Jenni Minto (Celebrating and Supporting Breastfeeding in Scotland), insert at end "; is concerned by reports that health visits for mothers and babies are being reduced due to staffing pressures, and calls on the Scottish Government to guarantee that every family is able to fully access the Universal Health Visiting Pathway, which consists of 11 home visits to all families, including eight within the first year of life and three Child Health Reviews between 13 months and four to five years."

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