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Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Debate: Recognising the Contribution of Scotland’s Oil and Gas Industry

Wednesday 05 June 2024 4:29 PM


Douglas Lumsden S6M-13482 That the Parliament recognises the invaluable contribution that oil and gas makes to Scotland, with the industry supporting 94,000 jobs and providing over £10 billion in revenue in 2022-23; notes with concern that the Scottish Government has a presumption against oil and gas, whilst the Labour Party has said it will not allow any new licences, something that industry experts have said could lead to thousands of job losses; welcomes the provisions of the Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill, which, when passed, will increase investor confidence in the oil and gas sector and reduce the UK’s dependence on higher-emission imports from overseas; welcomes the approval of the Rosebank oil field and awaits a similar decision on the Cambo oil field; appreciates that oil and gas will still be a vital component of the UK’s energy mix in the future and that it is more environmentally friendly for the country to produce its own oil and gas than import it from abroad, and notes with concern the extremist positions taken by some activists, who are opposed to the very existence of a North Sea oil and gas sector, and condemns their actions, which are irresponsible, damaging and disruptive. Màiri McAllan S6M-13482.4 As an amendment to motion S6M-13482 in the name of Douglas Lumsden (Recognising the Contribution of Scotland’s Oil and Gas Industry), leave out from first "that oil" to end and insert "of the highly skilled and internationally recognised workforce in the oil and gas sector and the part that it plays in Scotland’s economy; believes that any responsible government that cares about the workforce and its future, as well as a just transition in regions such as the north east of Scotland and Shetland, and sites such as Grangemouth and Mossmorran, must now plan for a managed energy transition; notes that Scotland has been well positioned twice in terms of natural energy resources, once for North Sea oil and gas and now again for renewables; calls on the Scottish Government to bring forward a finalised Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan in summer 2024 that takes an evidence-based and pragmatic approach and ensures that climate compatibility assessment and energy security are properly reflected; understands the clear scientific evidence that there is an urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels globally if the Paris Agreement climate goals are to be met, and that the North Sea is a geologically mature and declining basin; appreciates that a key element of a managed transition must be a fiscal regime for the entire energy sector that provides stability and certainty, protects jobs based in Scotland and incentivises investment in renewables, and believes that the incoming UK administration should invest in a just transition for Scotland's valued oil and gas workforce to a net zero future as North Sea resources decline, and invest in reducing emissions in line with climate commitments." Sarah Boyack S6M-13482.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-13482 in the name of Douglas Lumsden (Recognising the Contribution of Scotland’s Oil and Gas Industry), leave out from first "notes" to end and insert "agrees that, as part of the energy transition, oil and gas production will continue in the North Sea for decades to come; believes that if Scotland is to maintain its reputation for expertise in energy generation, there is a need to deliver a just transition to the clean energy industries of the future; further believes that it is the Scottish National Party (SNP)’s failure to plan and invest for a just transition that is putting jobs at risk; calls on the UK and Scottish governments to work together to deliver a skills passport to protect workers and help Scotland’s world-leading offshore workforce transition to the renewables sector; further calls on the Scottish Government to reform Scotland’s planning system to make it an asset in attracting investment by providing efficiency and certainty for developers; condemns the economic incompetence of the Conservative Party and the SNP, which has exacerbated the cost of living crisis for households in Scotland; notes that the Scottish Government has chosen to side with energy giants over working people with its recent u-turn on a windfall tax on the exorbitant profits of oil and gas companies, while raising taxes on working people; believes that the policies and instability of the UK Government further undermined progress in delivering the energy jobs of the future and failing to improve energy security, and further believes that only the UK Labour Party has a plan for the transition through its Green Prosperity Plan, which will support 69,000 green jobs in Scotland, and creation of GB Energy as a publicly-owned energy company, which will ensure jobs and supply chains are built in the UK and Scotland, developing clean energy industries and that no community is left behind." Patrick Harvie S6M-13482.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-13482 in the name of Douglas Lumsden (Recognising the Contribution of Scotland’s Oil and Gas Industry), leave out from "makes" to end and insert "has made to Scotland’s economy and the contribution that it has made to the greenhouse gas emissions, which threaten the future of humanity and much of the living world; accepts the reality that the North Sea is a declining basin, that most of its production is for export and does not contribute to energy security, and that the world already has far more fossil fuel in existing reserves than it can afford to use in any scenario consistent with the Paris Agreement; notes that the industry supports an estimated 30,000 direct jobs and that these skilled workers need a managed transition to green industries that is both just and fast; further notes the long track record of the fossil fuel industry in first covering up climate science, then promoting climate denial conspiracy theories, before shifting to its current strategy of lobbying for slower climate action; notes with concern reports that the Scottish Government is considering ending its presumption against new oil and gas licences; condemns the UK Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill, which would reward the fossil fuel industry and do nothing to reduce the UK’s dependence on it; notes with concern the extremist positions taken by some fossil fuel apologists who are opposed to the very existence of a liveable world, and condemns their actions, which are irresponsible, damaging and disruptive." Liam McArthur S6M-13482.3 As an amendment to motion S6M-13482 in the name of Douglas Lumsden (Recognising the Contribution of Scotland’s Oil and Gas Industry), leave out from first "notes" to end and insert "recognises that there is a climate emergency and that it is essential that Scotland meets its net zero targets by 2045 and drives down its reliance on fossil fuels; believes that the phasing down of the traditional oil and gas sector must be done hand in hand with the expansion of renewables and the creation of green jobs, using the wealth of talent and skills available, in order to ensure that communities are not left behind, and further believes that, in order to achieve a successful just transition, both of Scotland’s governments must work together, and with the oil and gas and renewables sectors, so that change can be managed properly and effectively."

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