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Members' Business — S6M-12723 Katy Clark: Ardrossan Harbour

Thursday 03 October 2024 12:48 PM


That the Parliament understands that it has been seven years since the Scottish Government decided to retain Ardrossan as the service’s mainland port for the Arran service, citing connectivity, reliability, overall operational cost to the public purse and socio-economic considerations; further understands that it has been six years since Transport Scotland approved proposals to redevelop the harbour, which it understands includes major works necessary to run the MV Glen Sannox and MV Rosa vessels from the port; understands that a refreshed business case to redevelop the harbour is yet to be finalised; considers that the daily Ardrossan-Brodick service is critical to the economic development of both Ardrossan and the Isle of Arran, and that this is the quickest, shortest route, with supporting infrastructure already in place, and notes the belief that the Scottish Government must provide a clear commitment that Ardrossan will be retained as the mainland port to serve Arran in the long term.

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