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Members' Business — S6M-07499 Craig Hoy: Scotland’s Hospitality and Brewing Sector

Wednesday 01 March 2023 6:06 PM


That the Parliament notes with concern the reported current pressures facing Scotland’s pubs, bars, breweries and wider hospitality sector, including in the South Scotland region; understands that the sector was amongst the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, and that ongoing current inflationary pressures and impacts on customer spending power makes trading exceptionally difficult; believes that Scottish hospitality businesses will not receive the 75% business rates relief that businesses in England and Wales will receive in 2023-24; notes the calls for the Scottish Government to reconsider the support on offer to the sector, and further notes with concern the number of policies being introduced or consulted on that it believes will put additional pressure on the sector, including the Deposit Return Scheme and restrictions to alcohol advertising and sponsorship.

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